On September 4, 1990, a shocking discovery was made in the Catalan town of Portbou, Spain. A young girl was found hanging from a tree near the town cemetery, yet 32 years later, her identity remains unknown. Despite efforts to investigate the case and find answers, the girl's name and the circumstances of her death remain a mystery.
This tragic event has prompted calls for renewed attention to the case, in the hopes of finding justice for the victim and offering closure to her loved ones. It is believed that somewhere, the girl's family may still be searching for her and seeking answers about her disappearance. As the years go on, the determination to uncover the truth and bring those responsible to account only grows stronger.
According to reports, the victim was in her twenties and had blond hair. No documents were found on her person, making it difficult to determine her identity. The clothes she was wearing were only available for purchase in six countries: Norway, Denmark, England, Germany, and the Netherlands. This, combined with her physical appearance, has led investigators to believe that she may have been from one of these countries.
As the search for answers continues, authorities hope that by sharing this information, they may be able to gather new leads and bring closure to the victim's loved ones.
However, there was some strange details about the suicide. The girl's sandals had been carefully placed by the tree. The girl was hanging barefoot. But despite walking barefoot on the soil and pine needles, here feet were clean.
In 2001, in an effort to find missing persons, investigators in the case of the young woman found hanging from a tree in Portbou, Spain in 1990 decided to attempt a DNA test. The victim's body had been interred in an unmarked tomb in the cemetery of Figures, a nearby town. However, when authorities arrived to collect a sample, they discovered that the body was missing. It was later revealed that three months prior, the body had been removed and placed in a mass grave.
Despite the efforts to locate the remains in the mass grave, it was not possible due to the fact that the cemetery workers had dismembered the body before disposing of it. The shocking revelation only adds to the tragedy of this case, which remains unsolved and continues to haunt the community. Two photos of the victim, still hanging from the tree, are included in this report.
There are conflicting reports about the circumstances surrounding the photograph of the victim, a young woman found hanging from a tree in Portbou, Spain in 1990. Some accounts claim that reporters covering the story decided to cover the victim's body with a blanket in order to take a photograph that could be published in the newspaper. Others suggest that it was actually the Guardia Civil, Spain's national police force, who covered the victim's body with a blanket in order to protect it from curious spectators.
This case was very-well developed in the Catalan true-crime podcast and series 'Crims'.
If you don't speak Catalan, here is a Google-Translated transcription of the audio.
UPDATE: Evi Anna Rauter, a student from Lana, has been identified as the mysterious girl who was found hanging from a pine tree in Portbou on September 4, 1990. Despite being spotted in her sister's apartment in Florence just 20 hours prior to the discovery, it remains a mystery as to how Rauter ended up in Portbou. This revelation comes after 32 years of investigation. [Diari de Girona]
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